- 主演
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冒险电影 英国
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2016/12/18 0:23:18
- 报错
D-Day - Northern France: A British paratroop squad are dropped off-target behind enemy lines and wiped-out. PRIVATE JOHNNY BARROWS is the only survivor. Hes inexperienced, scared...and lost. After days of avoiding German platoons he is found by a rag-tag band of three dysfunctional soldiers; MURPHY, their self-proclaimed leader - a vicious, controlling sociopath. FILEY, his avid follower - hyperactive and child-like since receiving a head-wound. ROCK, a silent, muscular 22 year-old - shell-shocked, US soldier, he lives in a trance-like state only able to function if give orders. In the middle of the growing tension between Johnny and Murphy, the group manage to capture a seasoned, manipulative SS STURMBANNFüHRER. The SS officer picks-away at the growing tensions, biding his time to escape. Johnny must grow-up quickly, become a leader, if he is to survive and reach safety.
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