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原著作者:Rebecca.Chulew  Don.Dar  




主  角:Rebecca.Chulew  Don.Dar  

简  介:Four college students, returning from spring break >>更多




Four college students, returning from spring break, crash their car in an isolated New England countryside. Stranded in middle of nowhere, they seek help in Emeryville - an old, dilapidated western village, off the map. A seemingly well-mannered village caretaker extends an offer of a place to stay the night until a mechanic can arrive the following morning. With nightfall quickly approaching, the group isnt left with a choice. As time passes, the new comers discover that Emeryville was once a ground for secret clinical experiments gone awry. It slowly becomes clear that the residents are far from normal and that their society abides by a set of rules. And one such rule is, "We keep the ones we need". Trapped in remote village miles from civilization & fearing for their lives, the group plots an escape. When the villagers realize that their escape could threaten Emeryvilles very existence, the group finds themselves hunted by a strange breed of crazies埃默里维尔实验单行本,埃默里维尔实验文库版,埃默里维尔实验完全版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验小说版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验推荐版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验重制版高清哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验未涮版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验tv版精华版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验3D版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验TS、TC、SCR、R5、BD、HD版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验哪个语版版哪1集比较好看埃默里维尔实验哪个字幕版哪1集比较好看哪一个简谱歌谱,简谱曲谱埃默里维尔实验的主题曲,片尾曲插曲,片头曲配乐和片尾曲伴奏比较好谈呢
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本站哪几集比较好看呢?哪1集,不能错过来自互联网免费共享,仅供交流学习之用,版权归原创作者Rebecca.Chulew  Don.Daro  Tess.Cline  Deborah.Abbott  本人所有,请勿转载,如果侵犯了您的权益,请通知我们.