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原著作者:Alexis.Neblett  Royalty  




主  角:Alexis.Neblett  Royalty  

简  介:Toni, a tomboyish boxer, lands a spot on an after- >>更多




Toni, a tomboyish boxer, lands a spot on an after-school drill team in the West End community of Cincinnati. She eagerly absorbs routines, masters drills, and even pierces her own ears to fit in. It’s the joy of her first friendships and her discovery of dance. Shortly after Toni joins the team, most of the girls on the team suffer from episodes of fainting, swooning, and shaking in a seemingly uncontrollable catharsis. Nobody can explain the mysterious outbreak. These fits soon transform into a rite of passage as the trauma draws the other girls closer together. Caught between her need for control and her desire for acceptance, Toni must decide how far she will go to embody her new ideals.抽搐症候群单行本,抽搐症候群文库版,抽搐症候群完全版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群小说版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群推荐版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群重制版高清哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群未涮版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群tv版精华版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群3D版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群TS、TC、SCR、R5、BD、HD版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群哪个语版版哪1集比较好看抽搐症候群哪个字幕版哪1集比较好看哪一个简谱歌谱,简谱曲谱抽搐症候群的主题曲,片尾曲插曲,片头曲配乐和片尾曲伴奏比较好谈呢
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本站哪几集比较好看呢?哪1集,不能错过来自互联网免费共享,仅供交流学习之用,版权归原创作者Alexis.Neblett  Royalty.Hightower  本人所有,请勿转载,如果侵犯了您的权益,请通知我们.